Michelle Welborn holds a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Campbell University School of Pharmacy. She serves as President of MWelborn Group, LLC, a pharmaceutical consulting company that provides regulatory consulting for companies internationally who are seeking an Orphan Designation and marketing approval from the FDA. Michelle has 15 years experience in pharmaceuticals as a liaison in Medical and Regulatory Affairs for both Astra-Merck and Sanofi –Aventis Pharmaceuticals, and as Clinical Pharmacy Manager for a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) , and as a Pharmacy Practice resident at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center. She has an insightful perspective on intractable childhood epilepsy, rare diseases, pharmaceuticals, and the unmet need for drug development and a cure for epilepsy. Her passion and energy to drive research for determining the cause of and curing intractable childhood epilepsy and Dravet syndrome is due to her daughter, Lilly, who is 8 years old and suffers from Dravet syndrome.
Michelle has the unique perspective of a health care professional and parent advocate, and has represented children with orphan diseases, intractable epilepsy and Dravet syndrome across the world in various meetings and congresses. She has participated in workshops and consortiums organized by the NIH (National Institutes of Health), the National Organization of Rare Diseases (NORD), the International Congress of Rare Diseases (ICORD), and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Epilepsy Foundation of America, and the Australian Dravet syndrome Family Day. She served for two years as the Professional Advisory Board Chair for the IDEA League before founding ICE. She currently serves on the Professional Advisory Boards for the Charlie Foundation and Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome Foundation.